
project. 中研院計畫DM AS Project DM
client. 中央研究院
year. 2011

中研院將數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫,分為建置整合 / 公開徵選 / 研發 / 組織表。樂福依據此四大類,選取四種顏色做為區分,以簡單俐落的原則做為排版的指標,讓閱讀者能一目了然,不至於被多餘的圖像混淆。

In addition to the Institute of History and Philology, AS has many institutes with their own special collections. They are the Institute of Ethnology, the Institute of Modern History, the Research Center for Biodiversity, the Institute of Taiwan History, the Institute of Linguistics, and the Center for Geographic Information Science of Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences. For Taiwan e-learning and digital archives program: Taiwan digital archives expansion project, AS asked LaFou to design 4 verious handbooks.